Making a booking


How to book!

Making an online booking request is very straightforward. Once you have made your online booking request the following will happen quite quickly:

  1. You will receive an email confirming that the Toddington Village Hall Manager is being made aware of your booking request.
  2. The Toddington Village Hall Manager will check the details of your booking request and then email you to let you know that your booking request has been accepted, pending payment. Occasionally, you may be contacted by telephone, or email, if any detail needs to be discussed.
  3. You will receive an emailed invoice for your booking together with our bank account details for your payment. Please use your invoice number as your payment reference.
  4. Once your payment has been received you will be sent an email confirmation of your booking, a receipt for your payment, your hall access code and, if you have requested it, instructions to access the Annexe sound system.

That’s it! Send out your invites and prepare to enjoy your event or activity.

To make your online booking request please follow these steps:

Go to our Hall Calendar page to view hall availability and existing bookings. Toddington Village Hall uses the Hallmaster online booking system to manage our bookings. You will see a view of the calendar like this image below:

Look for the date you need and click on the + symbol next to that date to make a booking request.

If you have not used the online system before you will need to setup yourself, your business or organisation, as a Toddington Village Hall customer on the Hallmaster site as part of making your first booking request. If you are a returning customer you will be able to go straight to making a booking request, or check on your existing bookings and invoices, by logging into Hallmaster on the Hall Calendar page.

On completion of your booking request you will receive email confirmation of your booking request and you will then be contacted by the Toddington Village Hall Manager to advise if your booking can be accepted. Full details of the booking process may be found in the Hallmaster Customer User Guide.

If, for any reason, you are unable to use the online booking system then you may still, if you wish, visit the Hall Calendar page to check availability before contacting Jane Carter, the Toddington Village Hall Manager, by email at or by phone on 07486 981438.

Times available

Toddington Village Hall is available for bookings daily on an hourly basis between 09:00am and midnight. Overnight bookings are not permitted. Out of consideration for our neighbours, loud music may not be played so it can be heard outside the hall after 23:00.

Bookings must include any time needed for preparations or setup before the event and all time needed to clear up after the event. Access to the hall will not be permitted outside the hours booked and paid for.

Length of booking

Please allow sufficient time within your booking to set up and to clear away. Deliveries, or collections, must not be made to Toddington Village Hall outside the times booked. If you intend to use the dishwasher please allow sufficient time within your booking for it to complete its cycle and be emptied before being switched off – 20 minutes should be sufficient.

The Hirer

Hirers must be aged 18 or over. In completing the booking request, you become “the Hirer” and accept personal responsibility for complying with the Toddington Village Hall Terms and Conditions. This responsibility cannot be assigned or delegated to anyone else, and sub-letting is not allowed.

Please make sure that you are able to comply with the terms and conditions before completing a booking request as the return of part or all of your Security, Damage and Cleaning Deposit is conditional on you doing so.

Suitable events

Toddington Village Hall is considered suitable for a wide range of events and activities for families, organisations and businesses. However it is considered unsuitable for teenagers’ parties, 18th or 21st birthday parties or Halloween parties – bookings for events of these types will not normally be accepted.

Other booking conditions

For full details of other booking conditions please ensure you have read the Toddington Village Hall Terms and Conditions, together with all other information in the Documentation section on this website.